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Take A Chance Puppies Links & Resources

Scent Warmers


This is an enviormentally safe and desirable way to make your home smell so good!! I have a Scentsy warmer and have fallen in Love with it and their scents are out of this world. They are safe for dogs and small children to be around. Snowberry is my favorite scent!!


Dog Breeders


Boxers & Shelties


Schnoodles & Schnauzers




Dog Supplies

www.Petedge.com       I order my toys, shampoos, and grooming supplies from Pet edge, you can't beat their prices!




Our Veterinarian is Dr. Steven Haynes from Midway Animal Clinic. We would like to encourage all of our local customers to take our puppies to him, where they can continue to receive his care. He is a very caring, an excellent Vet and his staff is wonderful.


If you are looking for a local groomer, Contact Alice Snyder at 336-601-1604, she is on facebook too.   
